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Breakdowns as Part of Our Lives

Get Through the Pit

Everyone has their own fair share of breakdowns. They are a natural part of the cycle of life. Sometimes, breakdowns occur because of our own actions. Other times, they arise because of the forces that are beyond our control (such as in the case of Naomi). Whatever the reason may be, breakdowns are often feared by many people, and taken as something completely negative.  

Werner Erhard, however, decided to put a more positive and realistic spin to the idea of a breakdown. He described breakdowns as happenings that are meant to set us off-course momentarily, that we may find a better path. They are meant to point us towards where we should be heading at certain points in our lives. They are also meant to be learning experiences that will make us both stronger and wiser.

Although Naomi may have been suffering through her breakdown at the moment, she will later find that these perceivably negative life events can be overcome, as recovering from a breakdown is also a part of the cycle.

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