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December 26, 2018
In my book, Bible & Prophecy: A Commentary of Genesis, discussed an important quality of the prophet to have: Faith.
Hebrews 11 is called the Hall of Faith or the Faith Hall of Fame. They honor people in Bible History because of their faith. Abraham is one of the top contenders in this so-called “Hall of Faith.”
God calling him to the Promised Land is one of the most significant pictures of Abraham’s faith. He obeyed, despite the fact that he did not know exactly where God was leading him. Abraham’s journey to the Promised Land was like a journey to an unfamiliar destination without knowing where one is going.
How many times did God call us and it just does not make sense to us? If it does not make sense, how many times have we said, “It does not matter if I don’t know where I’m going… I trust you, God.” This is the heart of Abraham. In turn, he would later receive an inheritance because of it.
God commands prophets to go into lands that are unfamiliar to them. It may not be comfortable for them, nor may it be convenient. According to the succeeding passage, “If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had an opportunity to return.”
This shows that there is a tendency for prophets to shy away from God’s commands because they are unsure of where God will bring them or because they find it difficult.
Hebrews 11:15 shows that the prophets must focus their minds on God’s call and leave their country or their comfort zones behind. There is a need to surrender what has been comfortable, familiar, and safe in order to follow God’s call. It would have been easier for Abraham to stay in his country.
Even before God’s call, the Bible shows how blessed Abraham was. Abraham was comfortable in his own land. However, he heeded to God’s call and left the comfortable land he was enjoying in order to obey God.
God placed the prophets in a position wherein they will make the difficult choices. They will need to choose what is uncomfortable, what is unfamiliar, and what can be scary, all because they have faith in God’s call and in God’s will for their lives.
Abraham was able to go to where God called him because he thought of a home that God designed and built. He did not want to settle for what was comfortable or what was safe in his eyes because he knew in his heart that the city that God will give him will be so much better.
Prophets cannot settle for anything less than God’s will. They cannot compromise their obedience for God’s call for something that is merely convenient for them. Abraham knew who was leading him. He knew who the architect and builder of the city God was calling him in to. He obeyed because he had faith in God.
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