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Always Be Thankful

Expressing gratitude is one of the attitudes that one must develop within oneself.

Everyday, we do things for people and they do things for us. This exchange is something that must be appreciated. We don’t know exactly what  one may be going through, but expressing gratitude can always brighten up someone’s day. How often have you thanked someone and not watched a smile brighten up their face every time? Service is a beautiful gift to our fellow man and also to oneself. When you serve others, that is the time that you are finally giving. It is a selfless act that benefits both the receiver and the giver.

Decide what you want to give to people. We suggest gratitude. Especially to our Father in Heaven. In our prayers, we often ask for a lot of things — we ask for things that we need and want, we also ask for forgiveness from sins. Have you ever tried just praying and just give thanks for all the blessings that you have received? Guaranteed, you will see much more than you thought you had.

Start with the people close to you — your family and friends and even random strangers. We never know who needs it. If there is something we can be generous with, it has to be goodness. It will surely come back to us, and if not in this life, then definitely we are piling up treasures in heaven. Eternal blessings which moth and rust doth not corrupt.

Being grateful is a gift. When you stop seeing only the things that you need and start seeing the things that you have, you will see how vast and immense the love of God for you is. It is consuming and it is contagious.

So if you want to be happy, be thankful. If you want to make somebody happy, give service and give thanks for the opportunity given to serve them.

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