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Bread & Wine Misconception: Not About The Scripture

“And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19 KJV)

The symbolic Bread and Wine is Jesus himself. Therefore, these symbolic meanings should not be reduced, or given alternative meanings.

There are some Protestants who commit a similar error with regards to misinterpreting the symbolic Bread and Wine. Some Protestants believe that the Bread and Wine actually means the scripture. They believe that partaking in the Bread and Wine means regularly reading the bible.

However, some Protestants who commit themselves to reading the scripture may not necessarily be partaking in Jesus Christ. Any scholar or educated person can read the bible, and still not have accepted Jesus into their lives. Partaking in the symbolic Bread and Wine goes beyond knowing the bible.

The moment people reduce the meaning of partaking in the Bread and Wine, they disregard what is truly important. They disregard the real meaning of taking in Jesus Christ as spiritual food. Partaking in the Bread and Wine is not about religious practices or studies – it is about a spiritual acceptance of Jesus Christ.

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