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December 11, 2018
Selfishness prevents us from transforming our relationships. The existence of our lives may be all about the discovery of self. We validate it through relationships, but the existence of relationsh...
November 21, 2018
Do you aim for a true relationship transformation? Then, you must be willing to do what it takes. If transformed relationships are byproducts of the shift in the value of the relationship, then we...
November 08, 2018
The secret of transformation is knowing exactly your desires for it. Until then, you cannot expect real transformation to happen. Changes are inevitable, but not transformation. We can expect chan...
October 30, 2018
What was apostle Paul's Purpose in the Bible? The Bible shows us how we have a purpose for our life. The first chapter of 2 Timothy continues to talk about Paul urging Timothy to bravely spread God...
October 29, 2018
Life is a race, they say. But what is the finish line? Surely not death? There is a far bigger prize than the grave. Our Father promised us blessings in this life and more to come. There is no comp...
October 27, 2018
A lot of times, people blame God for a lot of misfortunes that come into their lives. Whenever something goes wrong, people tend to point fingers and start to question if God really does exist. Don...