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Eternal Life is a Reopened Gift

anointed believer

How does eternal life start and how can a person have it? First that it was the original plan of God. He did not create man to become temporary beings. The design was for man to be with God forever. Unfortunately, sin entered man’s nature and so there was separation between man and God.

So there goes the second truth, eternal life is a reopened gift through Christ Jesus. He was the sacrificial lamb to retrieve the plan of God. Through the works of Jesus on the cross, man has been reconciled with God and so access to everlasting life was again given to man. Along with this gift comes the cleansing brought by the blood of Jesus, the healing provided by his wounds and bruises, and the victory assured by his resurrection.

If you’re going to take a closer look, you will realize that the truth of everlasting life is deeper than the common belief that it is given to the followers of Christ. While that is true, it is important to understand why this free gift of eternity is made available in the first place.

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