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October 15, 2018
Why does emptiness prevail even for one who has already achieved so much?
Everything of God gets expressed in Him, so you can see and hear Him clearly. You don’t need a telescope, a microscope, or a horoscope to realize the fullness of Christ, and the emptiness of the universe without Him. When you come to Him, that fullness comes together for you, too. His power extends over everything. -Colossians 2:9&10
Everyday is an ongoing struggle for survival. People need to survive their daily routines, their work, their personal challenges. Everyone is busy battling for his own survival. This is an ongoing activity. Before you know it, you are stuck with your unending quest for fulfillment. Sooner or later, you notice you are exhausted and you have given everything that you have got. You become a prisoner of your own self. But even if you want to be free, you cannot escape. You have to stay within that cage to survive. You survive physically, but within, it is emptiness. A piece of your soul is empty.
Life may be so full, but without deep satisfaction in your heart, you continue to search for contentment. Until you feel the Lord within yourself, and have Him control your life, you will never feel whole. The prophecy of your life and of this earth is in the Bible. God has provided prophets to help spread His word for man to know, understand, accept and fulfill in his life. God holds the promise to combat your emptiness so you find fulfillment.
I am the LORD your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. -Psalm 81:10
Until you open up yourself to the prophecy, you will never understand the entire meaning of everything that is in your life, and you will never stop tiring yourself looking for answers to your questions and seeking for solutions to your life challenges. The prophecy will direct you to where you should be to feel happy, safe, and peaceful. Welcome the gift of prophecy in your life now and explore God’s amazing blessings and plans for you.
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