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March 06, 2019
It’s time for us to look at what God has already given us. God has equipped His people in various ways. We have all been given different talents and abilities and each one of us is unique. For example: you may not be good in math, but you are an amazing painter. Or you may not be good in dealing with people, but you are great in research and making groundbreaking discoveries in the lab. You may have a horrible singing voice, but you are a dynamic athlete. These are just some of the examples on how we are blessed individually with specific talents and attributes that are part of God’s divine plan for us.
Are you already aware of what gift God has given you?
Offer to the Lord in faith what He has already equipped you with, no matter how simple it appears to be. Whatever attribute you have, God can use it — sometimes supernaturally — to do His work. As you begin to do this, you will discover that you will have a new sense of meaning, since you’ll begin to realize how God is using simple things in new and wonderful ways.
Do you wonder how God might use you? Will you use what God has already placed in your hands?
Hear what the Lord is saying. The Lord says, “This is your season to offer unto Me what I have already placed in your hands, because whatever is in your hands means whatever is in your care. This includes the influence, talent, gifts and abilities that you possess. What you withhold and retain in your hand reveals what is in your heart. Release what you hold in faith and watch how I will lead you into your expected end!”
Begin to give God the glory and use what is already in your hands to manifest your miracle. Do not belittle what is in your hands. God will use whatever it is you’re willing to infuse!
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