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October 07, 2018
People have a tendency to do whatever they please without looking into the effects of what their actions have on everyone else. The problem with that mentality is that they are not creating a world that works for everybody. Instead of looking towards the common good, they are looking towards their own interests.
The ironic thing about prioritizing the common good is that if everybody were to do so, nobody would have to be selfish. If we all focused on creating a world that works for “you and me”, we wouldn’t have to worry about being on the losing end because everyone would be looking out for one another.
We need to remind ourselves that by taking care of our resources, allowing goods to circulate, and treating everyone and everything around us with respect, we will be building a world that we can all be comfortable with. We must also take into consideration that by doing the opposite and living selfishly, we are depriving not only ourselves, but future generations of a world that is easy to live in.
We must remember that we are stewards of the earth and that we should not abuse our time here by living selfishly, destructively, and wastefully. We must instead think about the actions we can take that would make the world better for everyone else.
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