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Jesus Knew About His Death and Resurrection

Jesus' death and resurrection

When God sent Jesus to the earth to become human, his mission was to become the savior of mankind. Jesus did not become human to be treated as prince or as a royalty. Jesus was not even born to a wealthy family. The intention of God the Father was clear – Jesus was to become man so that he can be the perfect substitute for man to face the penalty of sin. He did this through His death and resurrection.

So Jesus knew that he will die. And the mind blowing part was that he also knew that he will die in the most horrible, excruciating, and inhumane way possible. Can you just imagine how Jesus accepted all of these? He was in heaven. He was a prince there. The angels were serving him and he was the Son of God. Then all of a sudden he was sent to earth deprived of all the royal privileges and was bound to suffer a terrible death. The thought of it was already a torture in itself.

But the beautiful part of the story was that Jesus knew that he will be raised from the dead. Jesus will die on the cross and will be alive again. He will be resurrected. This was the assurance of his victory. Jesus said, “I must go to Jerusalem. There the nation’s leaders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the Law of Moses will make me suffer terribly. I will be killed, but three days later I will rise to life.”

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