Get your free written prophecy, Answers are on the way
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October 26, 2018
Since the creation of the Bible, we have been able to read and learn a lot of stories. Stories about how the world was created, how great men rose to power, how men had their downfall, and generally moments in history that are both good and bad. Everything was documented by a lot of writers who joined together to compile a book, which in Spanish is called “La Biblia”, which translates to “the books”. Yes, the Bible wasn’t made by a single author, but numerous men of God who gave their own accounts of what happened during their time. The revelations, the plight, the testimony which burned within them were all put down in this one precious remnant from the past.
The Bible is a voice of warning to those who hear. We can also serve as a voice of warning for others. Through creating our own records, we are able to document the importance of our time.
In this age, it would probably be called a diary or a journal. No matter what you use, as long as you keep records, your life will be preserved. Start by picking any notebook that you want to write on and get a pen. In every day of your life, keep an eye out for those spiritual experiences both small and great and you will find your life has more meaning and flavor than you thought.
You will be able to help the future generations make better choices, lift up, inspire and bless millions more of generations to come, just as the Bible is still blessing millions of lives to this day.
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