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Do Not Let Little Faith Stop You From Your Miracles

“When little faith has you, big miracles can’t be caught!”


Because the truth is when sailing the oceans of life, the name of your boat can’t be called, “OH YE, OF LITTLE FAITH” if you’re looking to reel in a BIG MIRACLE! 


What does little faith look like? It looks like these statements:

  • “If God wanted me to have it, He would have given it to me!”
  • “I just don’t have the money to give now!” (This negates your I-Am-ness)
  • “I don’t have all the resources I need to get started right now!”

After speaking these terrible things into existence, many of us still have the nerve to turn around and say the following:

  • “I’m expecting my miracle!”
  • “I’m waiting on the Lord to fulfill His promise!”
  • “Lord, please send Your blessing my way. I’m ready to receive it!”

It’s time to get “REEL” about your miracle!


The moment Simon Peter pushed his ego to the side and obeyed the instructions Jesus gave to him, was the moment he instantly reeled in a miracle that couldn’t be explained! See “little faith” attempted to tell Peter that Jesus had his fishing season incorrect!


“Little faith” tried to convince Peter that they were in the wrong location to catch a net-breaking experience. However, when Jesus gave Peter His instructions to follow, Peter had to abandon all that he knew to be right in the natural in order to give way to a supernatural experience! In essence, Peter had to stop fishing for the BIG MIRACLE using his “little faith”! 


Does “little faith” have you fishing for BIG MIRACLES?


There have been some complications that have arrived in your sails on the oceans of life, hasn’t there? Also, there have been times when you’ve accepted the belief that you’re too flawed. The Lord says wanting to be someone or something else than who and what I’ve called and made you to be is a waste of your beauty. You must stop allowing “little faith” to get in the way of your catch so you can reel in what’s greater! 


This very moment, you’ve got to cast your net of faith into the ocean of possibility even in the face of what you know to be the facts of life! That’s because facts change, but the truth remains the same!



  • Lack maybe a fact for now, but the truth is YOU ARE ABUNDANT!
  • Sickness may be a fact for now, but the truth is YOU ARE HEALED!
  • Hurt may be a fact for now, but the truth is YOU ARE LOVED!

Remember facts change and the truth remains the same. 

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