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The Original Superman

Do you like Superman? Who doesn’t like Superman? He is brave, kind, and handsome. Superman is one of the most admired superheroes of all time. He is the knight in shining armor of many. But Superman can only do so much. He also has a weakness – the green kryptonite. In spite of all his super powers and abilities, exposure to a green kryptonite will nullify everything and even kill him. But not Jesus!

Jesus was the original Superman. No one can destroy Jesus Christ. Not even death can put him down. Jesus was the only true superhero. He was not a fiction like Superman. Jesus was real and is still real today. Jesus was the savior and remains the only savior of the world from the penalty of sin – eternal spiritual death.

The reason why God sacrificed Jesus, His beloved son to become human and face the death was so that forgiveness and salvation can become available to all mankind. God’s will was to save the human race. The bible said that “God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.”

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