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Your Prophetic Word, There’s No Need To Take It!

If your prophetic word doesn’t come in extra strength, There’s no need to take it. Start today with a prophetic word of life

“For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.”
(II Corinthians 4:16-18)

There have been sudden moments in were you’ve felt weak. Stressed. Even depressed. There have been sudden moments when you’ve needed more energy to run this race of life that you’re in. God know your strength has been depleted yet the strengthening word of the Lord can help.

  • Certain individuals weaken your future by keeping you in “limbo”.
  • Certain individuals weaken you emotionally every single encounter.
  • Certain individuals weaken your potential with their words.
  • Certain individuals weaken your heart by constantly breaking it.

The moment you start to wonder if you deserve better, you do. If a relationship doesn’t come in extra strength, there’s no need to take it. God has a greater plan for your life; a meaningful and personal plan that will give you inner energy and strength that can truly sustain you!

Can I be completely forthright with you? When I started to write this, I begin to weep on the inside yet these weren’t tears of joy… these were tears of tremendous elation and soothing comfort because the Lord began to declare 3 extraordinary decrees upon your incredible future…

  1. Your unwanted affliction is only for a moment!
  2. The amazing things that are unseen is in your word of prophecy!
  3. The potent word of the Lord shall renew your glorious strength!

Some have tried to curse you. Others have tried to back you into a corner while the rest have tried to rob you of the reliable strength that God has placed on the inside of you! Even though the outward appearance has caused parts of you to feel abandoned, God says…

“If it doesn’t come in extra strength, there’s no need to take it?”

 Lift your hands wherever you are because even now the Lord will say, it takes great strength and courage to stand up and fight for something you love, yet there are times when it shall take even more strength and courage to walk away and leave the past behind. I have placed extra strength on the inside of thee because there is something on the inside of you that is greater than any obstacle. The unveiling of this thing requires your greater strength to make the choice to play the victim or rise up victoriously as the victor, saith the spirit of the Spirit of the Living God!”

It doesn’t take much strength to do things, yet it requires great strength to decide what to do. Right now, I ask that you stand in your greatness to decide to trust the ever-present strength of God’s refreshing word of prophecy that is in my mouth right now because:

  1. You will gain peace of mind knowing the strength of your future.
  2. You will experience elevation having the strength of God’s favor.
  3. You will be completely renewed walking in the strength of your divine healing and destiny!

If it doesn’t come in extra strength, there’s no need to take it! Your secure word of prophecy is jam-packed with extra strength, extra insight and extra prophetic instructions for your life that will transform the next 30 days! It is the rejuvenating medicine for your ailing circumstance.
Even the situation that just took place some time ago which tried to weaken you spiritually, isn’t too much for the Lord to handle! Believe the prophet!

 It doesn’t take much strength to do things, yet it requires great strength to decide what to do. Right now, I want you to make the courageous decision to trust God (yes, I know this won’t be easy yet it’s the right thing to do) because there is a revitalizing visitation that is about to visit your home in the next 72 hours! I could’ve written anyone yet God would have me to write to you to ask that you…

Discover the greater strength and best your best to gather yourself and request a free written prophecy for II Corinthians 4:16-18 because even though there are things on the outside that seem to be diminishing in your experience, God is about to renew your strength within through His sustaining word of prophecy!

God said, “I have placed extra strength on the inside of thee because there is something on the inside of you that is greater than any obstacle. The unveiling of this thing requires your greater strength to make the choice to play the victim or rise up victoriously as the victor.”

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